Proofing has changed and evolved massively in recent years. Today, various approaches are available that can be used to perfectly address different requirements. In this article, we have summarized basic knowledge about proofing and briefly present the approaches – an exciting overview of the evolution of proofing.

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Proofing Paper & Packaging Substrates

Wednesday, 05 August 2020

Innovative and exclusive proofing paper and packaging substrates with unique properties complete our proofing applications COLOR TUNER and FLEX PACK.

Published in Solutions


Monday, 23 November 2015

Remote proofing the easy way! Contract proofs for all standards

With COLOR TUNER you can easily create contract proofs for any printing standard. You don‘t even have to be a color expert to do that!

The web-based application has an intuitive, wizard-based user interface and combines printer calibration and automatic color matching, which enables users to produce color-accurate printouts at local and remote locations anywhere in the world.

COLOR TUNER provides maximum flexibility and offers many powerful and innovative features such as perfect spot color matching or support for hexachrome and multi-channel profiles.

The application was the first proofing software to be certified by Fogra, SWOP, Sicograf, PPA and 3DAP and is now considered the most widely used high-end proofing software worldwide.

Thanks to its web-based client-server architecture, the application can easily be integrated into any existing workflow.

 If you are looking for a packaging proofing system, please click here to learn more about FLEX PACK - the turnkey solution for packaging proofing and mock-up production.

CT EN Gears

More details:

Contract proofs

With COLOR TUNER you can create color-accurate proofs for all commonly used industry standards.

The software includes a setup wizard, automatic color matching, and printer calibration in a web-based application that enables you to create color-accurate printouts from any location in the world.

COLOR TUNER also supports the Epson SureColor SC-P series of printers with a built-in spectrophotometer. The fastest way to create highly accurate contract proofs, with no color expertise required.

Spot colors
Thanks to innovative features like using CxF/X-4 data in PDF files for perfectly rendering spot colors and the support of Hexachrome and multi-channel profiles, COLOR TUNER once again demonstrated its market position as the industry-leading proofing application.
Integration and connectivity
Thanks to its web-based client-server architecture, COLOR TUNER can easily be integrated into any existing workflow and infrastructure.

The use of inline spectrophotometers enables automated remote color-matching processes without any user intervention.

The direct interface to PantoneLIVE and CXF CLOUD also enables an easy organization, management, and communication of spectral color data.

Spectral color data

Spectral color data is the ideal solution to store and communicate colors with all associated properties. The use of spectral data eliminates modifications caused by exchange color spaces and
provides much better color matching results for non-standard printing processes like flexo or gravure printing.

In addition, spot color overprints can be rendered much more precisely.

Proofing papers

High-grade proofing paper is essential to contract proof quality. That is why we have developed a large media portfolio based on the requirements of leading publishing houses and printing companies keeping industry standards in mind, which are specifically geared towards the production of color-accurate proofs.

An unique coating technology gives the papers unique properties, such as better ink absorption, higher color density, greater reproduction of fine detail and shorter drying times than comparable media.

The entire portfolio is produced, controlled, and continuously adapted to the current requirements of customers and markets under special conditions and strict specifications.

Click here to get an overview of the available papers.

Supported file formats

COLOR TUNER supports all common prepress file formats, including the following:

PostScript *   1-bit TIFF
EPS   Esko LEN
DCS   Scitex Handshake CT/LW
JPEG   Scitex NLW and NCT
*) Separated or composite

New: Support of

  • Photoshop Document (*.psd)
  • Photoshop Big (*.psb)
  • BigTIFF (*.tif, *.tiff)
Supported measurement devices
All current models from X-Rite
All current models from Konica Minolta
Barbieri Spectro Swing, LFP/LFP qb and LFP qb NET
Techkon SpectroDrive, SpectroDens, SpectroJet
Inline spectrophotometer from Epson and Canon
Supported measurement conditions: M0, M1 and M2
Supported printers

Canon imagePROGRAF PRO Series

Printer model

Max. media width


ScreenDot proof

PRO-1000, 500

420 x 594 mm (A2)


PRO-2000, 520

610 mm (24”)


PRO-2100, 521 610 mm (24”) Medium

PRO-4000, 540

1118 mm (44”)


PRO-4000S, 540S

1118 mm (44”)



PRO-4100, 541 1118 mm (44”) Large -
PRO-4100S, 541S 1118 mm (44”) Large -
PRO-6000, 560 1524 mm (60”) Large
PRO-6100, 561 1524 mm (60”) Large -

PRO-6000S, 560S

1524 mm (60”)



PRO-6100S, 561S 1524 mm (60”) Large -

Canon imagePROGRAF GP Serie

Printer model

Max. media width


ScreenDot proof

GP-2000, GP-520

610 mm (24”)


GP-4000, GP-540

1118 mm (44”)


Canon imagePROGRAF iPF Series

Printer model

Max. media width


ScreenDot proof

iPF9400S, 9410S

1524 mm (60")



iPF9400, 9410

Yes 1




iPF8400S, 8410S

1118 mm (44")



iPF8400, 8410

Yes 1

iPF8300S, 8310S

iPF8300, 8310

1118 mm (44")





iPF6400S, 6410S

610 mm (24")



iPF6450, 6460

Yes 1

iPF6400, 6410


610 mm (24")


Yes 1

iPF6350, 6300, 6310





432 mm (17")



iPF810, 820

1118 mm (44")


iPF750, 755, 760, 765

914 mm (36")


iPF650, 655

610 mm (24")


iPF700, 720, 710

914 mm (36")


iPF600, 605, 610

610 mm (24")


iPF500, 510

432 mm (17")


Canon imagePROGRAF W Series

Printer model

Max. media width


ScreenDot proof


1118 mm (44")





610 mm (24")





Epson SureColor Series

Printer model

Max. media width


ScreenDot proof

SureColor SC-P20000, P20050, P20070, P20080 1620 mm (64") Large Yes
SureColor SC-P10000, P10050, P10070, P10080 1118 mm (44") Large Yes
SureColor SC-P9000, P9050, P9070, P9080
SureColor SC-P8000, P8050, P8070, P8080
SureColor SC-P7000, P7050, P7070, P7080 610 mm (24") Medium Yes
SureColor SC-P6000, P6050, P6070, P6080

SureColor SC-P5000, P5050, P5070, P5080

432 mm (17”)



SureColor SC-P7500 610 mm (24'') Medium Yes
SureColor SC-P9500 1118 mm (44'') Large Yes

SureColor SC-S40600, S60600(L)

1626 mm (64'') Large -
SureColor SC-T5400, T3400 914 mm (36'') Large -

SureColor SC-T7000, T7000D, T7050, T7050D, T7070, T7070D, T7080, T7080D

1118 mm (44")



SureColor SC-T7200, T7200D, T7250, T7250D, T7270, T7270D, T7280, T7280D

SureColor SC-T5000, T5000D, T5050, T5050D, T5070, T5070D, T5080, T5080D

914 mm (36")


SureColor SC-T5200, T5200D, T5250, T5250D, T5270, T5270D, T5280, T5280D

SureColor SC-T3000, T3050, T3070, T3080

610 mm (24")


SureColor SC-T3200, T3250, T3270, T3280

Epson Stylus Pro (Maxart) Series

Printer model

Max. media width


ScreenDot proof

Stylus Pro 11880, 11880, Maxart PX-20000

1626 mm (64")


Yes 2

Stylus Pro 10600CF


1118 mm (44")



Stylus Pro 10600Dye

Stylus Pro 10600UC, Maxart PX-10000

Stylus Pro 9900, 9910, Maxart PX-H10000


1118 mm (44")



Stylus Pro 9890, 9908, Maxart PX-H9000

1118 mm (44")



Stylus Pro 9880, 9880C, Maxart PX-9550/9500N


1118 mm (44")


Yes 2

Stylus Pro 9800, Maxart PX-9500


1118 mm (44")


Stylus Pro 9700, 9710, Maxart PX-F10000


1118 mm (44")



Stylus Pro 9600, Maxart PX-9000


1118 mm (44")



Stylus Pro 9600 Dye, Maxart PX-9000


1118 mm (44")


Stylus Pro 9450, Maxart PX-9550S


1118 mm (44")


Yes 2

Stylus Pro 9400, PX-9500S

Stylus Pro WT7900, WT7910, Maxart PX-W8000


610 mm (24")



Stylus Pro 7900, 7910, Maxart PX-H8000


610 mm (24")



Stylus Pro 7890, 7908, Maxart PX-H7000

610 mm (24")



Stylus Pro 7880, 7880C, Maxart PX-7550/7500N


610 mm (24")


Yes 2

Stylus Pro 7800, Maxart PX-7500

Stylus Pro 7700, 7710, Maxart PX-F8000


610 (24")



Stylus Pro 7600, Maxart PX-7000


610 mm (24")



Stylus Pro 7600 Dye, PX-7000

Stylus Pro 7450, Maxart PX-7550S


610 mm (24")


Yes 2

Stylus Pro 7400, Maxart PX-7500S

Stylus Pro 4900, 4910, Maxart PX-H6000





Stylus Pro 4880, 4880C, Maxart PX-6550


431 mm (17")


Yes 2

Stylus Pro 4800, Maxart PX-6500

Stylus Pro 4450, Maxart PX-6250S


431 mm (17")


Yes 2

Stylus Pro 4400, Maxart PX-6200S

Stylus Pro 4000, Maxart PX-6000

Yes 3

Stylus Pro 3880, 3890, 3885, Maxart PX-5002

431 mm (17")


Stylus Pro 3800, 3800C, 3850, Maxart PX-5800

420 x 594 mm



HP DesignJet Z Series

Printer model

Max. media width


ScreenDot proof

DesignJet Z6, Z9 1118 mm (44'') Large -

DesignJet Z6100, Z6100PS

1524 mm (60") and 1067 mm (42")



DesignJet Z3200, Z3200PS

610 mm (24") and 1118 mm (44")


Yes 4

DesignJet Z3100, Z3100PS

610 mm (24") and 1118 mm (44")


DesignJet Z2100, Z2100PS

HP DesignJet (T) Series

Printer model

Max. media width


ScreenDot proof

DesignJet T610

610 mm (24") and 1118 mm (44")

Medium and Large

DesignJet T1100, T1100PS

DesignJet 5000, 5000UV, 5500, 5500UV

1067 mm (42") and 1524 mm (60")



DesignJet 4000, 4500

1067 mm (42")


DesignJet 1050, 1055

914 mm (36")



DesignJet 800

610 mm (24") and 1067 mm (42")

Medium and Large

DesignJet 500

DesignJet 110 Plus

610 mm (24")



1 Only if operated with 8 colors (without RGB).
2 Dot proofing with 1440 x 1440 dpi requires firmware version A0276B or higher.
3 Dot proofing only supported if operated with 7 colors (not with 4 colors).
4 Only if operated with 8 colors (without RGB).
Key features
Soft and hardcopy proofs matched to the same standards, e.g. Fogra, GRACoL, SWOP, 3DAP
Spectral data-based proofing from any location in the world
Contract quality, reproducible results thanks to patented iterative color management technology for process and spot colors
Intuitive wizard-based user interface and printer setup – no color expertise required
Comprehensive tool for selective color corrections and profile smoothing
Halftone proofing option for color-accurate screened proofs
Perfect remote proofing thanks to the support of the latest generation of inkjet printers with inline spectrophotometers
Intelligent scatter-proof function
Test chart generator for quickly creating CMYK and multichannel test charts
Easy-to-use profiling tool
Full support for CxF/X-4 data including CXF CLOUD connection
Visual creation and optimization of spot colors
Browser-based communication
Easy integration into existing workflows, can be combined with all other CGS ORIS applications
Long-term experience & color expertise
We provide simple-to-use software solutions for all of your needs related to color management, proofing, prototyping, certification, and quality control - the best and effective way to optimize your entire production process.

Our proofing solutions are complemented by a large portfolio of specially developed substrates for creating color-accurate proofs and packaging prototypes.

Do you have any questions?

Please don´t hesitate and get in touch:

Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia/NZ:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel.: +49 6182 9626 0
Fax +49 6182 9626 99

North America & South America:
CGS Publishing Technologies
International LLC
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel.: +1 612 870 0061
Fax +1 612 870 0063


Published in Products


Monday, 23 November 2015

A perfectly tuned system - for color-accurate production of packaging proofs and prototypes

Do you need to produce color-accurate packaging proofs and samples efficiently and with ease? Are complex finishing effects also a requirement? Then FLEX PACK is the right solution for you!

The system was developed specially for these applications and offers everything you need to achieve perfect results accurately and cost-effectively.

A huge advantage: FLEX PACK was designed as a complete system. The ultimate combination of extremely powerful software, specific printer hardware, special extended gamut inks, and a large portfolio of proofing substrates are available.

Of course, all components are perfectly harmonized - creating an ideal workflow and optimal results without any effort.

FP EN GearsAn additional plus: FLEX PACK was developed in close cooperation with leading companies in the packaging industry and has been used successfully worldwide for many years. End-users appreciate the absolute precision, reliability, and enormous flexibility of the system.

FLEX PACK and its continuous development benefits from years of packaging experience in coordination with our many customers and partners within the industry – and so do you: The packaging industry is always dynamic and subject to change. We react to these quickly and competently in order to always give our customers the optimum tools to improve their daily business.

FLEX PACK is available in a variety of different configurations, highlighted in further detail.

FLEX PACK - The software for packaging proofs and samples

The software was specially designed for the characteristics and highest requirements of the packaging industry. It is based on our patented iterative 4D color management technology and contains all functions and modules to produce various packaging proofs and packaging samples immediately, easily, and cost-effectively.

Functions such as pre-flighting, soft-proof, and proof certification are integrated, raster data such as Esko LEN are supported and the program naturally has packaging-specific spot color management that converts spectral data natively and even simulates the overprinting of spot colors perfectly.

Furthermore, cloud-based color databases such as the CGS ORIS CxF CLOUD or PantoneLIVE® are integrated.

FLEX PACK is available in different versions. Below, two of them are described in detail.

FLEX PACK + Roland DG - The proven classic

In this version, FLEX PACK is combined with printers of the Roland VersaCAMM VSi series. Contrary to conventional UV inkjet systems, it works with eco-solvent inks offering a brilliant print image and also white and metallic.

With the specially developed, highly pigmented XG INKS, which also includes orange and green, the color space guarantees that almost all special colors can be exactly reproduced.

The system offers unlimited possibilities for the production of packaging proofs and prototypes: From 'no-label-look' labels to stand-up pouches, bottles with shrink film labels to metal or luxury packaging with complex partial varnishing and embossing in any form that offers the unique look and feel. For any kind of finishing effects, FLEX PACK supports the Roland VersaUV LEF (2)-200/300 and LEC2-330s printers.

Here, a selection of samples is shown, many more can be found in our “Best Mockup Selection Brochure”. Thanks to the built-in ‘Print & Cut‘ function of Roland printers, even small series of self-adhesive labels can be produced effectively.

To ensure that you always have the right substrate available for any kind of job, we offer a large selection of proofing media that have been specially developed for this purpose and tailored to the special requirements.

Find out more about the broad portfolio of the PackPROOF family and its unique properties. One key element is the PACKProof Transfer Film, as it enables the production of packaging proofs and samples on the original production substrate.

Optionally, the system can be upgraded with additional hardware components, such as media preconditioning, drying systems, or media holders.

We also offer any necessary peripheral equipment, such as laminators, punches, and register devices. The system is fully customizable to your individual needs and requirements.

FLEX PACK + Mutoh – Direct-to-substrate proofing

In this latest addition to the system, FLEX PACK is combined with the Mutoh Value Jet-628 MP or the Mutoh Value Jet-1628 MH, two digital piezo inkjet printers, specifically developed for the special requirements and needs of the packaging industry (further information can be found here).

The 'Direct-to-Substrate-Proofing' solution is a real breakthrough for the industry, as it enables true printing on original substrates – something many customers have been searching years for.

In addition to printing on substrates such as shrink films and other extremely thin flexibles, the new solution is particularly suited for proofing on uncoated label stock or cardboard.

Unlike UV inks, the specially developed multi-resin MP31 inks retain the look & feel and all other physical properties of the substrate, thus making it possible to create a proof or prototype which cannot be distinguished from the final product.

The current ink set contains CMYK, Orange, Green, Blue, and White inks which cover an extremely large color space. The inks have excellent adhesion to coated and uncoated substrates, are non-toxic, odorless, and have unique stretching and shrinking properties.

Ensuring the accuracy of artwork is crucial in the manufacturing of shrink sleeves, allowing for preemptive checks on distortion using the original shrink material.

As such, ‘Direct-to-Substrate-Proofing’ serves as an optimal solution for proofing applications that do not favor the use of transfer films with solvent-based inks or UV ink printing.

More details:

Key features
Unique system, specially developed for the production of color-accurate packaging proofs and mock-ups
Highly efficient and reduced cost to manufacture
Patented, iterative 4D color management technology
Perfectly tailored features and modules, e.g. for pre-flighting, soft proofing and proof certification, support of raster data
Packaging-related spot color management: Ideal overprinting of spot color using spectral color information
Perfect visualization of finishing effects like cold foiling, embossing, or varnish
Huge packaging substrate portfolio, specially developed for the needs and requirements of the packaging industry
Color-accurate proofing on original substrate
Easy to use, with seamless integration into existing environments and any other CGS ORIS applications
Mock-Up Gallery
All packaging substrates at a glance

You can order samples of all media listed below, just send a message to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

To get more information about the substrates or prices, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..




PackPROOF Family
PackPROOF Glossy Paper - 45 24", 30'', 54"
PackPROOF Semi-matte Paper - 45 24", 30'', 54"
PackPROOF Clear Film 85 50 24" and 44"
PackPROOF Transfer Film 40 30 24" and 48"
PackPROOF Matte Embossing Foil - 30 24"
PackPROOF Semi-matte Embossing Foil - 30 24"
PackPROOF Glossy White Adhesive Vinyl 100 40 30"
PackPROOF Matte White Adhesive Vinyl 100 50 30" and 54"
PackPROOF Metallized Pouch Film 65 30 24" and 48''
PackPROOF Transparent Pouch Film 65 30 24" and 48''
PackPROOF White Pouch Film 75 30 24" and 48''
PackPROOF White Metallized Pouch Film 75 30 24'' and 48''
PackPROOF Silver Film 120 30 30"
PackPROOF Clear Adhesive Polyester 75 50 24"
PackPROOF Clear Shrink Classic Foil 70 30 24" and 40"
PackPROOF Clear Shrink Foil 80 30 24"
PackPROOF Semi-matte Cardboard  - 0,61 0,86 m
PackPROOF Transfer Film

The PackPROOF Transfer Film is a breakthrough when it comes to the production of packaging proofs and mock-ups on original printing substrates. It contains a monomeric active layer that can be transferred to almost any stock using a standard laminator at low temperatures.

The film is only a few microns thick, color-neutral, and almost invisible. It has the same ink acceptance properties on both sides.

The thin film, which comes on a stable removable backing layer, is usually printed, then transferred using a laminator. Afterward, the support film is removed. It can be applied to almost all flexible or rigid materials, including sheet metal. Alternatively, the film can be transferred first and then printed.

The PackPROOF Transfer Film is now available in the 4th generation and has been constantly further developed. With the PackPROOF Embossing Foil, either a matte or semi-matte finish can also be achieved. The exact application is explained in our product information, which can be downloaded here (PDF).

Supported printers

Roland VersaCAMM, SOLJET Series

Printer model

Max. media width


ScreenDot proof

VersaCAMM VS-640i

1630 mm (64")



VersaCAMM VS-540i

1370 mm (54")


VersaCAMM VS-300i

760 mm (30")


VersaCAMM VS-640

1630 mm (64")



VersaCAMM VS-540

1372 mm (54")


VersaCAMM VS-420

1067 mm (42")


VersaCAMM VS-300

762 mm (30")



1625 mm (64")


Yes 1

Roland TrueVIS Series

Printer model

Max. media width


ScreenDot proof

Roland TrueVIS VG2-540, VG3-540 1371mm (54'') XL
Roland TrueVIS VG2-640, VG3-640 1625mm (64'') XL

Roland VersaUV Series

Printer model

Max. media width


ScreenDot proof

VersaUV LEF(2)-200, LEF-20

508 x 330 mm


VersaUV LEF(2)-300

770 x 330 mm


VersaUV LEJ-640

1625 mm (64")



VersaUV LEC-330 762 mm (30") UVL Yes

VersaUV LEC-540

1371 mm (54")



VersaUV LEC-640

1625 mm (64")



VersaUV LEC2-300

762 mm (30")


VersaUV LEC2-330 762 mm (30") UVL
VersaUV LEC2-640 1625 mm (64") UVXL
Belt and Flatbed Models are supported.      
1 Only if used with XG INKS.
2 Included in the FLEX PACK Varnishing and Embossing option.

Mutoh Printers

Printer model

Max. media width


ScreenDot proof

ValueJet-1617H, 1627MH 1625 mm (64'') UVXL
ValueJet-1628MH (Japan) 1625 mm (64'') UVXL
ValueJet-628MP 630 mm (24'') UVL

Epson SureColor

Printer model
Max. media width
License ScreenDot proof
Epson SureColor SC-S80600/L 1626 mm (64'') XL Yes
Epson SureColor SC-S80610/S80650/S80670/S80680 1626 mm (64'') XL Yes
Epson SureColor SC-S70600 1626 mm (64'') XL
Please let us know if you need information about additional printers.

You can also use the printers supported with COLOR TUNER if you acquire the respective printer licenses.

Do you have any questions?

Please do not hesitate to get in touch:

Europe, Asia, Africa & Australia/NZ:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel.: +49 6182 9626 0
Fax +49 6182 9626 99

North America & South America:
CGS Publishing Technologies
International LLC
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel.: +1 612 870 0061
Fax +1 612 870 0063

Published in Products