X GAMUT 4.3 - Hotfixes ______________________ Installation Certain programs may block the installation process. The process pauses after extracting the installation files. In this case proceed as follows: 1. Exit antivirus program. 2. If the current version of Adobe Creative Cloud is installed, exit the Adobe Creative Cloud desktop app. Do this by selecting 'File -> Exit Creative Cloud', then click 'Quit' to stop all background processes. 3. Start Windows Task Manager and click the 'Details' tab. Right-click 'Setup.exe' and select 'Analyze wait chain'. The process listed under 'Setup.exe' is blocking the installation. Select and end it. Version #67498 - PDF-PDF color correction: Certain page elements disappeared after color correction in some cases. This has been fixed. #67485 - PDF-PDF color correction: In some cases, a missing license was reported erroneously. This has been fixed. Version #67288 - PDF-PDF color correction: Some special PDF files took very long to process if the option 'Output as new PDF file' was enabled. Processing has been optimized for such files and is much faster now. #67327 - PDF-PDF color correction: #67387 The ICC output profile is no longer embedded if the 'Embed profile' option is disabled. #67319 - PDF-PDF color correction: Fonts were not color-corrected uniformly in some cases. This has been fixed. Version #66849 - Barbieri Spectro LFP: The program crashed during the measurement process under certain conditions. This has been fixed. #67273 - QRES output: A default CMYK profile for the target color space is no longer selected automatically. #67274 - QRES output: The name of the output folder and the name of the files in that folder are now always identical. #67275 - QRES output: The length of output folders and files is no longer limited to 26 characters. Version #67096 - PDF-PDF color correction: Processing with the option 'Output as new PDF file' was slow and produced large files under certain conditions. #67242 - PDF-PDF color correction: Processing failed for particular files. Version #66685 - PDF-PDF color correction: Transparencies were calculated incorrectly under certain conditions. #66973 - PDF-PDF color correction: Gradients were not output smoothly in some cases. #66590 - PDF output: Images can now be compressed with "JPEG2000" without the use of Distiller. #66922 - QRES output: Iterative color correction works as expected now. #66636 - QRES output: Linearization chart issue has been resolved. #66898 - QRES output: Certain settings caused the output to become unusable. Example: Bits per pixel = 4, max density = 1. This combination of values can no longer be selected in the user interface. #66962 - QRES output: The number of dots is indicated correctly now in the *.qjb file. Version #66991 - New PANTONE Metallics Coated libraries. The following PANTONE spot color libraries are additionally installed now: PANTONE Metallics Coated.osc PANTONE Metallics Coated_M0.lab PANTONE Metallics Coated_M1.lab PANTONE Metallics Coated_M2.lab PANTONE Metallics Coated_M3.lab #66983 - PDF input: A problem with CFF (Compact Font Format) fonts has been fixed. #66945 - PDF-PDF color correction: Layers were missing under certain conditions. #66915 - Spot color correction: Certain spot color names could not be converted correctly to CMYK. This has been fixed. #66961 - Spot color correction: The process ink values are no longer set incorrectly when reopening the dialog. #66867 - QRES printers: Importing QRES queues works as expected now. #66866 - QRES printers: A white separation issue has been resolved. #66556 - Online licenses were not recognized in some rare cases. This has been fixed. #66919 - TIFF printers: A queue import issue has been resolved. #60157 - X-Rite eXact: An error that occurred with 'ISO 13655 M1' measurement conditions has been fixed. Version #66583 - QRES printers: Linearization chart issue has been resolved. #66648 - QRES printers: Output files no longer overwrite each other when multiple copies are requested. Each copy is distinguished by the addition of an ascending number. #66656 - PDF-PDF color correction: Black overprint issue has been resolved. #66824 - PDF-PDF color correction: If a new PDF file is created, this is now clearly indicated in the log file. #66754 - Creating output queues: 'Eye-One Pro 3 Plus' and 'Eye-One Pro 3 Plus IO' are now available in the list of measurement devices. #66767 - The online help has been updated. Version #66709 - Jobs are no longer set on hold unnecessarily, processing starts as expected.